2023_2033 Projected Employment Report

2023-2033 Industry Employment Projections

Total Arizona Employment Projected to Grow by 486,348 Jobs Through 2033




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The Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) is projecting Arizona employment to increase to 3,921,138 jobs in 2033 from 3,434,790 jobs in 2023. This represents growth of 486,348 jobs (1.3% annual change). By comparison, United States employment is projected to grow by 0.4% annually from 2023 to 2033. 


Supersector Highlights

Eleven Arizona supersectors are projected to gain jobs from 2023 to 2033.

Arizona's major sectors are projected to record the following employment changes:

  • Health Care and Social Assistance: 137,528 jobs (2.6% annually)
  • Construction: 51,424 jobs (2.2% annually)
  • Manufacturing: 31,504 jobs (1.5% annually)
  • Leisure and Hospitality: 53,914 jobs (1.3% annually)
  • Professional and Business Services: 62,940 jobs (1.3% annually)
  • Trade Transportation and Utilities: 80,413 jobs (1.2% annually)
  • Other Services: 13,085 jobs (1.2% annually)
  • Financial Activities: 17,807 jobs (0.7% annually)
  • Information: 3,711 jobs (0.7% annually)
  • Educational Services: 8,111 jobs (0.3% annually)
  • Government: 5,642 jobs (0.3% annually)
  • Natural Resources and Mining: -1,431 jobs (-0.3% annually)

Geographic Highlights

Gains are projected in all 15 counties over the ten-year forecast period.

Arizona's counties are projected to record the following employment changes:

  • Maricopa County: 402,106 jobs (1.5% annually)
  • Pima County: 32,838 jobs (0.7% annually)
  • Pinal County: 10,195 jobs (1.2% annually)
  • Yavapai County: 10,054 jobs (1.2% annually)
  • Mohave County: 7,049 jobs (1.1% annually)
  • Yuma County: 6,935 jobs (0.8% annually)
  • Coconino County: 6,441 jobs (0.9% annually)
  • Navajo County: 2,579 jobs (0.8% annually)
  • Cochise County: 1,946 jobs (0.5% annually)
  • Graham County: 1,796 jobs (1.4% annually)
  • Gila County: 1,364 jobs (0.8% annually)
  • Santa Cruz County: 886 jobs (0.6% annually)
  • Greenlee County: 728 jobs (1.1% annually)
  • La Paz County: 603 jobs (0.8% annually)
  • Apache County: 180 jobs (0.1% annually)


The next press release is scheduled for November 14, 2024.