Monthly Unemployment Trends (LAUS Program)›
Unemployment Rate and Labor Force State Rankings›
Monthly Unemployment Trends (LAUS Program)
Data Description
The Local Area Unemployment Survey (LAUS) program provides the most current unemployment, labor force and employment data for the U.S., all states, metro areas, counties, local workforce areas, cities and towns.
Unemployment Rate and Labor Force State Rankings
Data Description
The data comes from the Local Area Unemployment Survey (LAUS) program. The purpose of these data is to analyze state rankings for unemployment rate and labor force.
Monthly Unemployment Custom Data Search
Data Description
The Local Area Unemployment Survey (LAUS) program provides the most current unemployment, labor force and employment data for the U.S., all states, metro areas, counties, local workforce areas, cities and towns.
Unemployment Insurance Statistics
Data Description
This data comes from the Department of Labor's PROMIS program and the Employment and Training Administration. The purpose of these data are to analyze the unemployment trends in the nation and in Arizona. These data identify which industry sectors and geographic regions are recording the largest changes in initial unemployment insurance claims filings. The demographic data provided in these tables do not reflect the total number of initial UI claims filed within Arizona