Arizona Launches ReadyTechGo
Network of community colleges is training students for high-paying tech jobs in Arizona
Governor Katie Hobbs and the Arizona Office of Economic Opportunity announced today the launch of ReadyTechGo, a collection of Arizona colleges focused on training students for in-demand careers in advanced manufacturing. The network is part of the State of Arizona’s strategy to attract more Arizonans to the advanced manufacturing industry and fill thousands of tech jobs at large-scale employers, such as Lucid Motors, Nikola Motors and Raytheon.
“ReadyTechGo is the latest of several statewide initiatives to boost advanced manufacturing jobs in our state. Thanks to key collaborations among leaders in government, industry, and education, Arizona has become a desirable location for large employers. ReadyTechGo will be instrumental in continuing that work and ensuring our workforce is ready for the jobs of today—and tomorrow,” said Governor Katie Hobbs.
ReadyTechGo’s four colleges offer an Automated Industrial Technology (AIT) program that provides students with essential skills for jobs in advanced manufacturing, a growing industry characterized by technology and robotics. The curriculum is front-loaded, so students can be prepared for a job in as little as two weeks. Students can pursue further certifications in high-demand fields such as electric vehicles, semiconductors, medical devices, and aerospace. The entire program can be completed in two years and culminates in an associate degree.
“As a leading global aerospace company and Arizona employer, Boeing is honored to collaborate with this network of community colleges and the State of Arizona to launch the ReadyTechGo initiative. As Arizona continues to rise as a national leader in advanced manufacturing, ReadyTechGo will be instrumental in continuing to cultivate a highly skilled workforce and supporting a consistent talent pipeline," said Boeing Government Operations Director and Chair of the Arizona Workforce Council, Mark Gaspers.
“The new advanced manufacturing is tomorrow's future with the convergence of new technologies, and smarter, more flexible and sustainable manufacturing processes,” commented Leah Palmer, Executive Director, AzAMI Workforce, Manufacturing Technologies, Maricopa Community Colleges. “This is why investing in the future of work with the Automated Industrial Technology training, and investing in "super tech" will change the landscape of our communities and could significantly transform advanced manufacturing capacity statewide.”
“Manufacturing environments today are increasingly automated, creating more job opportunities for skilled individuals to maintain these systems,” said Greg Wilson, Dean of Applied Technology at Pima Community College. “Our AIT program equips students to operate, repair, and maintain electromechanical and robotic equipment across various manufacturing industries. We work closely with local industry partners to ensure our program meets current and future industry needs.”
"Ready Tech Go represents an important collaboration between Maricopa Community Colleges, Pima Community College, and Central Arizona College. This shared curriculum prepares students with cutting-edge skills and knowledge, ensuring they are ready to meet the evolving demands of today's employers,” Andrew Clegg, Executive Director, Workforce & Economic Development, Central Arizona College. “Together, we are building a stronger, more dynamic workforce that benefits both our communities and the industries we serve."
An initiative of the Arizona Office of Economic Opportunity, ReadyTechGo aims to attract innovative companies to Arizona by cultivating a workforce that meets the highest industry standards and is poised to drive technological advancements and economic growth. Network leaders collaborate closely with Arizona tech employers to ensure the program’s curriculum adapts to evolving industry changes and needs.
“Arizona is home to several large employers that create good-paying, advanced manufacturing jobs and positively contribute to our state’s economy. We’re proud of our close collaboration with the community colleges and their partnerships with local industry that have made Arizona a national leader in manufacturing. ReadyTechGo is an extension of that work, and we’re grateful to the ReadyTechGo network of colleges for working to ensure that our state’s workers are prepared for the jobs of the future,” said Cabinet Executive Officer Carlos Contreras, Arizona Office of Economic Opportunity.
Modern manufacturing companies provide more than 162,000 jobs to our state, largely within the rapidly expanding corridor spanning southeast Phoenix to Tucson. As their operations grow, so does their demand for advanced industrial technology workers.
ReadyTechGo currently includes Central Arizona College, Estrella Mountain Community College, Mesa Community College and Pima Community College, with plans to expand. A unique feature of the AIT program is that the curriculum is consistent across all of the colleges in the network, making it easy for students to transfer among schools without having to delay their completion date.
Learn more about ReadyTechGo at ReadyTechGoAZ.com.