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$500K Available to Expand Registered Construction and Trades Apprenticeship Programs

First round of funding to grow and retain construction workforce as part of Governor Hobbs' goal to double apprentices by 2026

The Arizona Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) is now accepting grant applications for the expansion of registered construction and trades apprenticeship programs. As announced by Governor Hobbs in August 2023, these capacity grants are the first funding opportunity available under the multifaceted BuildItAZ Initiative and is a down-payment for future expansions and investments in registered apprenticeship programs. Funding for this grant is $500,000 Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity (WIOA) funds. OEO plans to make multiple awards to eligible applicants. All applications are due by 5:00 p.m., March 21, 2024.

These capacity-building grants will be used to support activities such as the hiring of instructors and purchase of equipment to expand the capacity of current successful and high-quality apprenticeships growing the skilled workforce in Arizona.

Additionally, BuildItAZ capacity grantees should increase access to effective pre-apprenticeship programs that directly enroll in registered apprenticeship programs that build out career pathways.

The BuildItAZ Initiative aims to connect workers with the skills and know-how needed for jobs in the state’s construction and trades industry with the overall goal of doubling the number of construction and trades apprentices by the end of 2026, especially for women and other underrepresented learners in the trades.

The BuildItAZ grant application and the link to apply are located on the OEO Funding Opportunities webpage. For more information, please email [email protected].